The Parrots are back! - the notWildlife Blog - A collection of high quality backyard wildlife photos.

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The Parrots are back!

A collection of high quality backyard wildlife photos.
Published by in Unexpected Visitors ·
The Parrots are back!  Well, sort of… This is the second time I have seen them this this week, but this time I was fast enough to grab my camera before they flew off.  

They appeared in my neighbor's oak tree and like the time before, there were only two of them who came by for just a couple minutes before departing.  Not sure what they were doing really as they were not with the flock of 100 or so like they were last year.

I know this is a bad photo as I snapped this in a rush without time to make the proper adjustments.  I will try to be more prepared next time in case they do not stay long.

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